Kangal Dog Puppy

Kangal Dog Puppy

Monday, December 27, 2010

Arie and Dakota

This is the second video I mentioned in yesterdays post of Arie's behavior toward Dakota.


Ariella has gotten way stronger in recent weeks. Just before Christmas I had her out on a long line. Our daughter had the Retrievers out and I wanted to take Arie to go see them. As we walked down the driveway Arie could smell their tracks and began pulling very hard against the lead. I was surprised at how strong she was and noted that our Husky had never pulled that hard even with a harness on. So I decided to stop and lock my feet in place on the frozen driveway. Arie then proceeded to pull me about 7 or 8 feet until she stopped. I walked a little then tried it again. She then pulled me further, probably about 10 feet. Did it one more time and soon we had to leave the driveway and go onto some ground without any snow. I was amazed that she could do that. My next goal is to make a harness for her. I still own the one I use to have for my Husky but, she is way to big for it.

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